How often do you think about your brain? Do you ever stop to marvel at its incredible power and supreme cleverness? Do you ever think about how to improve brainpower? If you are like most other people then your answer would be a “no.” Surprisingly, we only use around 10% of our brains yet we seldom think to invest in a little training now and then.

For a long time, scientists believed that we were stuck with the brain we were born with. Some even believed that after a certain age your intelligence cannot grow. Luckily for us, that hypothesis has gone out. Enter neuroplasticity a new theory that has proven one very incredible fact. It says that our brains can change. This means if you’re not very intelligent in one area – that’s OK! Says Yash Birla. You have the option to change that area of your brain through some little training says Yash Birla.

Your brain is a muscle.

You need to exercise regularly. All you need to do is invest some time to regularly train your brain. So how to improve brainpower?

  • Involve yourself in something new – When you experience something ‘new’, that actually ‘stimulate’ your brain. Don’t get stuck into doing the same old things – the only way to change the structure of your brain is to do something new. This creates new neural pathways, increasing your intelligence level. You could take a new route to work, try a new dinner recipe, or even a new form of exercise – mix them up!
  • Stop using GPS – It has made our brains lazier and less efficient with time. Go back to the old school and use a map to navigate now and then. This exercises the part of your brain responsible for understanding spatial relationships.
  • Stop using the calculator – It’s incredible how we now rely on devices like smartphones and laptops to calculate really simple equations. Resist the urge to work things out using an external device and use the device you were born with.
  • Be curious – By being ‘curious’ and questioning everything, you force your brain to innovate and create new ideas. Instead of taking everything at face value, get into the habit of questioning everyday things products, services that you come into contact with.
  • Think positive – Research has shown that positive thinking, especially in the future tense, speeds up the creation of cells and dramatically reduces stress and anxiety. Try and get a handle on negative thoughts and make an effort to replace them with positive ones. Stress and anxiety kill existing brain neurons and also stop new neurons from being created.
  • Exercise regularly – It’s been proven that regular exercise helps to increase brain function and enhances neurogenesis. This means that every time you exercise, you are creating new brain cells!
  • Eat healthily – Our diets have a huge impact on brain function. Our brains consume over 20% of all nutrients & oxygen that we consumed so remember to feed your brain with the good stuff! That is fresh fruit and veg & plenty of OMEGA 3 oils found in oily fish.

Apart from all of the above-mentioned techniques on how to improve brainpower social interaction helps ward off depression and stress, both of which can contribute to memory loss. Look for opportunities to connect with loved ones, friends and others, especially if you live alone. There is research that links solitary confinement to brain atrophy, so remaining socially active may have the opposite effect and strengthen the health of your brain says Yash Birla.