Yoga & Fitness2022-01-11T11:08:47+05:30
Yoga & Fitness Birla Healthcare

The Theory of Yoga

A base for beginners

A better way to calm yourself with patience and control Yoga is the key to the problems. Yoga is an ultimate practice of medication and a powerful means to the end.  Mr. Yash Birla, a man with spiritual power explains yoga as “a divine journey of peace satisfying every point of the body, mind, and soul.”

Yoga is a way of life- Embrace your lifestyle with Yoga

Tips to enhance yoga in your daily routine.

According to Mr. Yash Birla, yoga is a practice, a philosophical outlook, a way of living. If you have thus far viewed yoga only as a vehicle for physical health, consider looking at it through the lens of mental and spiritual health as well.

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Healthy Eating
Healthy Eating
Tips to a healthier run- way.

Health and wellness are not enough to enhance your living. Eating healthy is also an important element in your living chain that leads to a healthier lifestyle. Eating well and living well are relatable with your daily exercising and yoga. Mr. Yash Birla – a mind with peace will portrait his personal tips on how to live a healthier life by eating well. The tips will connect you with different recipes and the value of eating.

“Yoga allows you to rediscover a sense of wholeness in your life, where you do not feel like you are constantly trying to fit broken pieces together.”

– B.K.S. Iyengar • Quote of the Day

“We are basically one with the entire universal energy, all of us.”

-Mr. Yash Birla • Quote of the Day
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