Many studies support the idea that drinking water aids in weight loss. Additionally, hydration is important for a number of weight-loss activities, including digestion and muscle activity, believes Mr Yash Birla.

Medical researchers are still unsure of how much water consumption affects weight loss, though. In this post, you’ll discover 5 reasons why drinking water can help you lose weight.

Numerous studies show a positive correlation between increasing water intake and weight loss, however, it is still unclear why.

Explained below are 5 reasons why drinking water can help you lose weight

Water is a natural appetite suppressant

  • The stomach sends messages to the brain instructing it to cease eating when it is full. Yash Birla explains that water can help people feel fuller for a longer period of time and eat less by aiding in stomach filling.
  • Another situation is when someone thinks they are thirsty but in reality, they are hungry. Try downing a glass of water before reaching for food to prevent mindless nibbling.

Water increases calorie burning

  • Some studies suggest that drinking water can help you burn calories. Water consumption may momentarily enhance the body’s resting energy expenditure or the number of calories burned while at rest.
  • Drinking cold water may improve the benefits of water’s ability to burn calories because the body spends calories to heat the water for digestion.

Water helps to eliminate waste from the body

  • The body’s capacity to adequately expel waste materials like faeces and urine is compromised by dehydration.
  • The kidneys retain essential nutrients and electrolytes while using water to filter contaminants and waste. When the body is dehydrated, the kidneys retain fluid.
  • Dehydration can also cause lumpy or hard faeces and constipation. Water eases or softens hard stools, which aids in the movement of waste.
  • Water also helps the body recover from digestive problems like indigestion and diarrhoea.
  • Bloating, swelling, and weariness can occur in individuals who have an accumulation of waste in their bodies. Bloating could cause the waste to enlarge.
  • Staying hydrated is a good strategy to avoid retaining waste, which could lead to a few more pounds.

Water is necessary to burn fat

  • Without water, the body cannot properly process carbs or stored fat.
  • The term “lipolysis” is used to refer to the breakdown of fat. In the first step of this process, called hydrolysis, triglycerides and water molecules mix to form glycerol and fatty acids (fats).
  • Adequate hydration is necessary for burning fat from both meals and drinks and stored fat.

Water helps with workouts

  • One of the most essential aspects of any weight-loss regimen is exercise.
  • Water helps muscles, connective tissues, and joints move properly, suggests Mr Yash Birla. Additionally, it helps the heart, lungs, and other organs operate normally as they work harder during exercise.
  • Hydration reduces the likelihood of problems that can prevent an effective workout, such as fatigue and muscular cramps.
  • Drink water prior to, during, and after exercise to avoid dehydration.
  • Always have water on hand, especially if you’re exercising in hot, steamy, or very sunny weather.