You’ve certainly heard that you should perform strength training exercises, but perhaps jogging for a while or riding a spin bike might better suit your personality. While that’s entirely OK, you should keep in mind that strength training has numerous advantages that are too great to ignore, from increasing muscle endurance to reducing the risk of injury.

Continue reading for a beginner’s guide to strength training and a closer look at some exercises you might want to incorporate into your exercise routine.

What Is Strength Training?

Mr Yash Birla, the fitness enthusiast, says when discussing strength training, the majority of people picture weightlifting. Contrary to popular assumption, you may actually increase your muscle strength by employing a variety of techniques, including free weights, weight machines, resistance bands, cable machines, and yes, even your own body weight.

Weight training is the addition of weights to a workout, whether by free weights or a weight machine at the gym. It’s crucial to realise that you can add resistance and strength training without adding weight when it comes to strength training for beginners (and in general). When you don’t have access to weights or machines or are unable to use them for any other reason, this is especially useful. In this article, you’ll find a beginner’s guide to strength training and its benefits as well.

How to Add Strength Training Exercises for Beginners Into Your Routine

Ready to give it a try? Follow along below to get a great strength training workout that’s totally beginner-friendly.

A beginner’s weightlifting practice should ideally consist of eight to ten workouts that target the main muscle groups, says Yash Birla. To maintain and increase strength throughout the body, complete a full-body exercise regimen a few times per week. 

With your weights, begin light and build up as necessary: Choose a weight that will allow you to accomplish 10 reps while making you feel relieved by the eighth rep that the set is almost finished. This will guarantee that you’re pushing your muscles to grow and get stronger.

Benefits of Strength Training

Yash Birla says that strength training, which involves using some sort of resistance to test and develop your muscles, should be a significant part of your exercises, regardless of where you are in your fitness path. Strength training gives a wide range of benefits, including the following:

  • Burn more fat: As muscle has a higher metabolic activity than fat, having more of it increases your daily caloric expenditure.
  • Avoid injury: Healthy bones and connective tissue go hand in hand with powerful muscles. All of this results in a body that can handle more stress than people whose bodies don’t engage in strength training.
  • Stay young and healthy: According to Yash Birla, resistance training improves bone and heart health, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, increases bone density, eases the symptoms of fibromyalgia and arthritis, and reduces low back pain.
  • Improve mood: The production of feel-good endorphins by physical exercise has been shown to lower anxiety and even combat depression. 
  • Boost confidence: Your confidence increases each time you achieve a goal.