While some people only think about exercising at night, others swear by morning workouts. Additionally, people who have demanding schedules might fit in an exercise whenever they can. No matter which group you belong to, regular exercise has several advantages.

Yash Birla, the health and fitness influencer, believes that contrary to popular belief, exercising at particular times may have distinct health advantages. So what time of day is ideal for exercise? Let’s find out what the research has to say about the best time to workout.

What are the benefits of working out in the morning? 

There are several reasons to get up and move as soon as you wake up in the morning.

Promotes healthier habits

According to experts, combining a new habit with an existing one is the best method to establish it. The habit-stacking strategy pushes you to look for patterns in your daily routine. Many of your regular daily rituals, such as brushing your teeth, take place in the morning. Therefore, early workouts may be helpful if you’re having problems forming a routine of exercising. If you opt to work out in the morning, you might be more dependable and active.

Supports weight loss 

You might want to think about morning workouts if one of your fitness goals is to lose weight in a healthy way. The International Journal of Obesity published a study that examined the impact of exercise scheduling on weight loss. For 10 months, researchers observed the exercise routines of previously sedentary adults. activity before noon resulted in greater weight loss than activity after 3 PM. The daytime activity level of the early risers was a little higher, and they typically consumed less food.

Helps you stay focused

Yash Birla believes that you can maintain your focus throughout the day by working out in the morning. Exercise in the morning enhances working memory, attention, and visual learning, according to a small research. You can keep information in working memory to finish cognitive tasks. Working memory is necessary for tasks like remembering a phone number.

Lowers your blood pressure

In India, the prevalence of hypertension and high blood pressure is close to 50%. It makes diseases like heart disease more likely. Thankfully, consistent exercise can aid in controlling or preventing high blood pressure. There is evidence that suggests morning exercise may be especially beneficial for controlling blood pressure. Researchers examined morning workouts in older persons with bigger bodies or obesity in one study. Over the course of an 8-hour day, the participants’ blood pressure was decreased by 30-minute treadmill workouts.

Encourages restful sleep

If you got a good night’s sleep, getting up early to exercise might not be as challenging. And improved sleep has been connected to regular exercise. According to some research, morning workouts are ideal for getting a good night’s sleep. According to a tiny study, persons who exercised in the morning rather than the afternoon slept better. They slept for longer periods of time and with greater depth. Another study found that early exercise helped elderly persons with insomnia sleep better.

What are the benefits of working out in the afternoon or evening? 

Exercise in the afternoon or at night may be more beneficial if you frequently press the snooze button in the morning. Additionally, there are certain advantages to exercising later in the day. Yash Birla mostly workouts in the evening as it helps him to unwind the tiredness of the day, and for him, it is the best time to workout.

Boosts your workout performance

There is conflicting research on when to exercise and how well. However, recent research indicates that exercising in the late afternoon or evening might enhance athletic performance. Muscle tiredness is lessened after evening workouts than morning workouts, according to a very small study. By exercising for extended periods of time, you can do this to increase your endurance.

Regulates your blood sugar 

There is conflicting research on the relationship between exercise scheduling and lower blood sugar levels. Recent studies suggest that afternoon exercise may be more beneficial for controlling blood sugar, though. In one study, males at risk for Type 2 diabetes found that afternoon exercise was more effective than morning exercise. Exercise in the afternoon decreased their fasting blood sugar and increased their sensitivity to insulin.

Encourages restful sleep

Your heart rate and internal body temperature rise while you exercise. However, as you get ready for sleep, your heart rate and body temperature drop. Therefore, specialists in the past advised against exercising right before night. Recent studies, however, contradict this advice and contend that exercising in the evening does not affect the quality of sleep. If you finish your evening workout at least an hour before night, it might even improve your ability to get deep sleep. 

What time of day should you work out?

Certain health advantages of exercise may be increased if done early in the day or later in the day. However, the most effective time to exercise is whenever it is most pleasurable and convenient for you, advises Yash Birla. You’ll be inspired to commit to a regimen if you do it that way. 

Keep in mind that you should move as much as you can each day. According to a study, increasing regular physical exercise by only 10 minutes might stop 110,000 premature deaths each year. Therefore, you will still benefit from exercising even if you can only fit in 10-minute activity breaks throughout the day.