Setting and achieving little goals is easier than trying to change everything at once. This promotes the development of positive habits. For instance, it is simpler to decide to run a marathon than it is to do a little exercise every day.

Yash Birla advises to not give up if you find yourself reverting to your old behaviours; this is normal. Just keep in mind the reason you desired the change.

Developing healthier habits is a gradual process

that requires commitment and consistency. Here is how to develop healthier habits:

Set Clear Goals: Start by identifying the specific habits you want to develop. Make your goals specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART goals). Instead of saying, “I want to exercise more,” for instance, be more specific: “I will exercise for 30 minutes, five days a week.”

Start Small: Focus on making small, manageable changes rather than trying to overhaul your entire lifestyle overnight. Start with one or two habits and gradually build upon them as you become more comfortable.

Establish a Routine: Habit formation requires consistency. Establish a daily routine or schedule that incorporates your new habits. Whether it’s setting a specific time for exercise, meal planning, or mindfulness practice, having a routine can make it easier to stick to your goals.

Replace Unhealthy Habits: Identify unhealthy habits that you want to replace with healthier alternatives. For example, if you tend to snack on unhealthy foods, replace them with nutritious options like fruits or nuts.

Make it Convenient: Set yourself up for success by making healthy choices more accessible and convenient. Keep healthy snacks readily available, have a water bottle nearby, or pack your gym bag the night before. Remove or minimize the presence of unhealthy temptations in your environment.

Find Accountability and Support: Share your goals with supportive friends, family members, or join a community of individuals with similar aspirations. Having someone to hold you accountable, offer encouragement, or even join you in your healthy habits can increase your chances of success.

Track Your Progress: Monitor your routines and development. Use a journal, smartphone app, or habit-tracking tools to monitor your daily activities and hold yourself accountable. Celebrate your accomplishments while thinking about how you can get better.

Practice Self-Care: Prioritize self-care as it plays a crucial role in maintaining overall well-being. Get enough sleep, manage stress levels, engage in activities you enjoy, and take time for relaxation. Taking care of your mental and emotional health will support your efforts to develop healthier habits.

Be Kind to Yourself: Remember that developing new habits takes time and effort. If you slip up or have setbacks, be compassionate with yourself and view them as learning opportunities. Stay motivated, stay focused, and keep moving forward.

Seek Professional Guidance: If you’re struggling to develop healthier habits or need expert advice, consider consulting professionals such as a nutritionist, personal trainers, or therapists who can provide personalized guidance and support.

Remember, consistency and perseverance are essential when developing healthier habits, says Yash Birla. By starting small, being mindful of your choices, and staying committed, you can gradually transform your lifestyle, enjoy the long-term benefits and understand how to develop healthier habits.