While everyone who goes to the gym to lift weights has their own set of objectives, the desire to get bigger and stronger is a common thread that runs through them all, according to Yash Birla. Bodybuilders are a special breed in that they strive to strengthen every muscle in the body to the maximum extent feasible while maintaining perfect proportion and symmetry. As a result, they must perform a variety of precise and varied exercises for each body area to exhaust every muscle fibre and motor unit pool during each workout.
It is not uncommon for a bodybuilder to spend 5-7 days per week in the gym, sculpting and perfecting their physiques for up to two hours per session. However, not everyone has the time or desire to go about it like a walking anatomy chart.
As a result,
Yash Birla, a prominent fitness icon of India,
shares a list of top 5 exercises for building muscle which you can include in your daily workout regimen. He says that you will have to put in the effort but need not spend hours in the gym. A dedicated full hour of workout is enough for you to build muscle mass.

Main Muscles Worked: Lower Back/ Quads/ Hips/ Glutes/ Hams/ Upper Traps/ Forearms
Tip: If you want to improve your sports performance, general strength, and power, deadlift off the floor. If the main goal is to improve back muscle mass, deadlift anywhere from mid-shin to knee height in a rack or Smith Machine.
Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Main Muscles Worked: Shoulders/ Triceps/ Upper Pectorals
Tip: Press the DBs with the palms facing each other to place the most emphasis on the anterior delts. Press with the elbows kept back in line with the chest and palms facing front to train the anterior delts while also bringing the lateral heads into action.

Main Muscles Worked: Quads/Hams/ Hips/ Glutes/ Lower Back
Tip: If you want to put additional weight on the bar, don’t sacrifice your range of motion. Make sure each rep is controlled and reaches a depth where the thighs are parallel to, or even a few inches below, the floor.
Bent Over BB Row

Bent Over BB Row
Main Muscles Worked: Lats/ Rhomboids/ Mid-Traps/ Rear Delts/ Lower Back/ Biceps/ Brachialis/ Forearms
Tip: Use a wide/overhand grip to target the upper back muscles the most, and a closer/underhand hold to target the lats’ belly (for more of a V-shape).
Bench Press

Bench Press
Main Muscles Worked: Pectorals/ Anterior Deltoids/ Triceps
Tip: Position your body on the bench with a slight arch in the lower back, the ribcage held high, and the shoulders shrugged back and downward for maximum chest stimulation.
With his experience of around two decades, Yash Birla likes to share his knowledge with people. Include these top 5 exercises for building muscle with proper guidance and precautions and notice a visible change. Look out for the upcoming book of Yash Birla, in which he shares more about health and fitness in great detail.
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