The older generation never needed to visit a gym or take frequent walks to keep in shape. First of all, there were no fitness centres back then. Does that imply they were unfit? No! They were more durable than Gen Z. Back in the day, physical activity included things like farming, hunting, construction, and walking.

Yash Birla, the fitness enthusiast, believes that technology and software have accelerated all tasks in today’s environment. Most of the job is done remotely, in the convenience of our homes. We are thus forced to pay for cutting-edge home exercise equipment, training plans, cutting-edge devices, and diet charts. But what if we told you that a

couple of vintage fitness trends

are also popular right now?

Vintage Fitness Trends

Every item from the past has a tale to tell. It has shown to be the greatest since it has withstood the test of time. The healthcare industry may benefit greatly from old tools, ideas, and customs. To name a few: 

1. Yoga 

“Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.” – The Bhagavad Gita. 

Yoga is an age-old discipline of exercise and healing that hasn’t lost its appeal or significance in the contemporary world, says Yash Birla. Many cultures included Asanas in their daily worship of God to the extent that even their breathing—known as Pranayama—was controlled. The foundation of holistic well-being is it. It creates a mind-body link to enhance both your physical and mental well-being.

A physical and self-awareness exercise, modern yoga. Regular practice of yoga strengthens our body, while meditation improves our concentration, the Asanas help us sweat to get rid of wastes and toxins, and the faster breathing rate guarantees an even distribution of oxygen. Yoga also enhances posture and flexibility.

2. Martial Arts 

Martial arts are not merely a traditional form of exercise; they are also a whole system of instruction that combines physical, mental, and spiritual components, asserts Yash Birla. Martial arts have been practised for ages for self-defence, physical fitness, competitiveness, and spiritual growth. They have their roots in many different nations and civilizations. Karate, judo, tae kwon do, kung fu, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu are some of the more well-known types.

Millions of individuals practise martial arts now as a way to get fitter, learn self-defence techniques, and further their personal growth.

3. Calisthenics 

Calisthenics is a type of physical activity that dates back to ancient Greece and has been practised for ages. It is a sort of bodyweight exercise that doesn’t require any equipment and relies only on the user’s own body weight as resistance. Exercises for callisthenics can be as simple as push-ups and squats or as complicated as routines incorporating gymnastics-style moves. The goal of callisthenics is to increase strength, flexibility, and endurance by just utilising one’s own body weight. Callisthenics has gained popularity recently as more individuals search for accessible and efficient training choices, despite the fact that it is still regarded as an “old” fitness practice.

4. Dance 

Throughout history, people have utilised dance as a physical activity to encourage self-expression, physical activity, and cultural expression. Simple folk dances to highly skilled classical dances and jazz may all be performed while dancing, which involves moving your body to music and rhythm. Numerous societies have used dancing throughout history for physical exercise, entertainment, and religious or cultural ceremonies. Dance may improve one’s balance, coordination, and endurance as well as their mental and emotional well-being. Additionally, it can support self-expression and stress alleviation.

5. Sports 

For thousands of years, Indian culture has incorporated sports, which are utilised for both leisure and physical wellness. Wrestling, chariot racing, and hunting are only a few of the sports and physical activities mentioned in ancient Indian writings. While other sports like cricket and field hockey have gained popularity in India and are played and watched there, Indian sports like kabaddi and mallakhamb have been performed for physical fitness. After realising the benefits of sports in boosting physical fitness, a number of organisations and the Indian government have taken steps to encourage sports participation and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle.


These vintage fitness trends have persisted for a long time and are still popular today, demonstrating their effectiveness and sturdiness as fitness regimes.