Many people suggest that yoga can help people suffering from thyroid. For overall health and well- being yoga offers several benefits. It can balance your energy, increase flexibility, and relieve stress. Some studies have proven that yoga has some positive effects on improving thyroid functioning. There is a connection between stress and hypothyroidism but certain yoga poses are thought to balance out thyroids that are either underactive or overactive.  

It is important to know that yoga poses to reduce thyroid problems should be taken complementary. Yash Birla says it shouldn’t be considered as a replacement for any therapies or medications you’re currently undergoing.

Seek out a qualified yoga teacher who can help you put together a customized sequence that will be beneficial to your condition. 

Most of these poses are considered throat-stimulating. They’re thought to improve circulation and energy flow around the thyroid and stretch and strengthen the neck. Be sure to honour the limitations of your body. Be gentle and easy with yourself. 

The positions include –

  • Supported Shoulder Stand
Supported shoulder stand

Supported shoulder stand

Shoulder stand is often the first pose that’s suggested to treat the thyroid. Since it’s an inversion, it stimulates blood flow to the glands in the upper body. This is assumed to have a positive effect on the efficiency of the thyroid. Additionally, the way your chin is tucked into your chest in this position is believed to benefit thyroid function.

Yash Birla puts that you need to be mindful

of your neck during this pose and discontinue the practice if you have any discomfort. It’s advised that you learn this pose under the tutelage of a teacher who has a strong knowledge of alignment. Remember that this pose is not recommended to everyone due to the possibility of injury.

  • Plough Pose
Plough pose

Plough Pose

In plough pose, your thyroid is believed to get the same stimulation as it does in shoulder stand. You may find it easier to do plough pose. You can use pillows to support your feet if they don’t reach the floor.

  • Fish Pose
Fish Pose

Fish Pose

Fish pose is the perfect counter pose to a shoulder stand. It’s more accessible and can also be done on its own. Fish pose and shoulder stand are thought to be most effective for improving thyroid function. As you let your head hang back in a fish pose, you stimulate your thyroid by exposing the throat area.

  • Legs-up-the-wall pose
Legs-up-the-wall pose

Legs-up-the-wall pose

Viparita Karani, or legs-up-the-wall pose, is a restorative inversion. It doesn’t put pressure on the neck and is suitable for most people. It’s an excellent choice since it’s passive and helps to restore your balance. This pose is thought to relieve stress that can contribute to thyroid imbalance. Try holding this pose for at least five minutes at a time.

  • Cat-cow Pose
Cat-cow Pose

Cat-cow Pose

The fluid motion in a cat-cow pose is also believed to stimulate your thyroid. Drawing your chin into your chest and then exposing your throat chakra brings blood flow to this area. This pose is thought to benefit the circulation of spinal fluid. This is believed to increase mental clarity and enhance energy. Focus your awareness on your throat area as you move through this pose.

  • Boat Pose
Boat Pose

Boat Pose

The position of your neck in the boat pose is said to have a positive influence on the thyroid says Yash Birla. Keep your chin tucked in slightly as you breathe steadily in this pose. Stay upright and refrain from leaning back too far. You can modify the pose by bending your knees.

  • Camel Pose
Camel Pose

Camel Pose

The strong neck extension in the camel pose is said to stimulate the thyroid gland and increase circulation to this area.

  •  Cobra Pose
Cobra Pose

Cobra Pose

Cobra pose brings gentle stimulation to the thyroid gland. It’s not as intense as some poses that have you tilting your head back. That said, it’s okay to fully release your neck in this pose and let it drop back. Do this only if it feels comfortable. You can also keep your head facing forward and do gentle neck twists from side to side. Turn to look over one shoulder and gaze back at your feet. Return to the centre and turn to the opposite side.

  • Upward bow (wheel) Pose
Wheel Pose

Wheel Pose

Wheel pose is believed to be a heart opener, which means it gives you energy. It also stimulates energy flow to the thyroid area as your neck opens. If this pose is too difficult or causes you any pain, don’t do it.

  • Corpse Pose
Corpse Pose

Corpse Pose

While this pose may not seem difficult, it can be challenging to lie in stillness for some time. This pose allows your body to rest open fully and completely supported. The corpse pose allows for complete relaxation. It’s a great way to unwind and distress. It helps you to become aware of any tension you’re holding in your body. Keep your awareness of your breath moving through your body. You can practice for up to twenty-five minutes. You may choose to do a guided meditation or yoga Nidra session while you lie in a corpse pose.

Yash Birla explains while these yoga poses might not directly cure your thyroid problems. They will help you in curing the disease for sure. Practice them regularly. If you have difficulties then don’t do it forcibly.