Whichever stage of life you’re in, getting enough calcium in your diet is crucial for optimal health.

It supports the health of your bones and teeth and is necessary for your body’s nerve and muscular function. Children and teenagers who are growing require calcium for bone development, and older people – especially women – need calcium to avoid osteoporosis. If you are expecting or nursing, it is also crucial.

Calcium is abundant in low-fat milk and other dairy products like cheese and yoghurt. But what if you’re vegan or are unable to consume dairy products due to a health condition or allergy? In this article we will explore 7 non-dairy foods that are high in calcium which you can include in your diet.

Yash Birla says that the good news is that calcium-rich non-dairy meals are widely available and enjoyable. You can achieve your daily calcium needs by eating two to three servings of calcium-rich foods.

Here are 7 non-dairy foods that are high in calcium

  • Dark, leafy, green vegetables

Nevertheless, dark, leafy greens like kale, spinach, cabbage, broccoli, and bok choy are also high in calcium. Consuming these is beneficial for your overall health.

  • Nuts and seeds

Almonds contain among the highest amounts of calcium of any nut. Moreover, they provide a considerable amount of magnesium and vitamin E. Poppy, chia, hemp, and sesame seeds are high in calcium and simple to add to smoothies and breakfast foods. Yash Birla suggests eating nuts and seeds daily as a part of your snack.

  • Dried figs

These dried fruits have more calcium than other dried fruits and are strong in fibre. Be careful not to consume too much-dried fruit as it contains a lot of sugar.

  • Soy, almond, and rice milk

They are becoming a more and more well-liked substitute for cow’s milk. To make sure you are getting a sufficient amount of calcium, you can purchase them calcium-fortified. Yash Birla suggests substituting your daily milk with almond or any other milk.

  • Tofu

Tofu is derived from soybeans and contains a lot of calcium. Furthermore, tofu with added calcium is available and has higher levels. Edamame has a lot of calcium.

  • Beans and lentils

In addition to being incredibly healthy, beans and lentils are a rich source of calcium. White beans and winged beans, a type of tropical legume that is endemic to New Guinea, offer the highest calcium.

  • Fortified foods

Calcium is sometimes added to bread, oats, cereals, and other foods. If they do, consult the label to find out because this can raise your calcium levels.

Keep in mind that a healthy, balanced diet will assist guarantee you obtain all the nutrients you require. If you’re unsure if you’re receiving enough calcium, speak with your doctor or other healthcare professionals.