Yash Birla
Yoga & Fitness
Health & Wellbeing

Nurture your health, polish your soul and calm your mind

Science claims that the human body is a machine that needs constant greasing for its proper functioning. Spiritualists say that the body is a temple that needs devotion. We at Birla Healthcare believe that the body is a blend of both. One needs a scientific as well as a spiritual approach to lead a healthy life.

Birla Healthcare is one of the transformational ideas put forward by a famous health personality,

Mr Yash Birla

. Not only is he a fitness enthusiast but also a seeker of spirituality. Through the medium of Birla Healthcare, he brings out to the world ideas that would help people elevate and be better.

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Importance Of Food In Your Health

The phrase "you are what you eat" is a common saying that highlights the importance of healthy eating habits and their impact on one's overall health and well-being. It suggests

Benefits Of Ghee In The Rainy Season

In Ayurveda, ghee is regarded as a Sattvic meal. Sattvic meals are meant to be pure and nourishing, and they are thought to improve Dosha balance. That’s why, Yash Birla

Basic Principles Of A Yogic Diet

Did you realise that yoga consists of much more than just Asanas? Yash Birla believes that the harmony of body and mind is the ultimate goal of yoga, which is

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How to Develop Healthier Habits

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